OML provides Performance/ Functional Verification services for its products. Performance Verification consists of re-verification of data to ensure that the specifications of the unit fall within operational parameters. The unit is then re-optimized to the specified system for best performance; a new set of measured data is provided for each unit that goes through the performance verification process. If the unit does not meet specifications or shows signs of performance issues; OML will provide suggestions for repair or other solutions if possible.
The millimeter wave extension module should be verified on a regular interval determined by the measurement accuracy requirements of your application. A typical two-year interval is adequate for most applications. For regulatory conformance testing or metrology grade measurements, a one-year interval is recommended. OML does not recommend extending the performance/functional verification intervals beyond three years for any application.
Performance/ Functional Verification can be performed on frequency extensions modules for vector network analyzers, source modules, spectrum analyzers and calibration kits. For specific pricing and questions on this service for your unit please contact OML. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
**OML is not a certified Calibration Lab and therefore does not provide such service. The above is the only service that OML can provide pretaining to its products.